World English Bible

World English Bible

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World English Bible USA (Classic, Yahweh) - WEB or WEBUS
World English Bible USA (Updated, LORD) - WEBU
World English Bible British Edition (LORD) - WEBBE
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World English Bible New Testament multi-voice audio with music
World English British Edition AI Audio
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Subsets of the above ecumenical editions
World English Bible Protestant (66 Books) USA (LORD) - WEBP
World English Bible Protestant (66 Books) British (LORD) - WEBPB
World English Bible Catholic (LORD) - WEBC
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World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling recycled leather color illustrated
World English Bible Ecumenical Edition, U. S. A. Spelling, Classic, Yahweh, soft recycled leather cover, color illustrated. Includes Old Testament, New Testament, and Deuterocanon/Apocrypha. Maps. 2022 update. 10-point font.
Recycled leather cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-022-9)
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World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling hardcover color illustrated
World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling, Classic, Yahweh, Both Old and New Testaments of the World English Bible, soft recycled leather cover, color illustrated. 2022 update.
Recycled leather cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-001-4)
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World English Bible British/International spelling Ecumenical Edition paperback World English Bible British/International Spelling Ecumenical Edition, LORD, paperback Buy from
World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling paperback monochrome
World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling, Both Old and New Testaments of the World English Bible. 2022 update.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-020-5)
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World English Bible British/International Spelling paperback monochrome
World English Bible British/International Spelling, Both Old and New Testaments of the World English Bible. 2022 update.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-021-2)
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World English Bible color paperback cover
World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling, Both Old and New Testaments of the World English Bible, with color illustrations and maps. Red letter edition. 2022 update.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-003-8) or Kindle
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World English Bible color hardback cover
World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling, Both Old and New Testaments of the World English Bible, with color illustrations and maps. Red letter edition. 2022 update. Hard cover.
Hard cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-015-1)
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World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling
The Holy Bible: World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling. 2022 Update. Monochrome text.
Hard cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-011-3)
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World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling
The Holy Bible: World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling. 2022 Update. Monochrome text.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-012-0)
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World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling
The Holy Bible: World English Bible Ecumenical Edition British/International Spelling. 2022 Update. Monochrome text.
Hard cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-013-7)
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World English Bible Ecumenical Edition U. S. A. Spelling
The Holy Bible: World English Bible Ecumenical Edition British/International Spelling. 2022 Update. Monochrome text.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-014-4)
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World English Bible New Testament+Psalms and Proverbs cover
New Testament + Psalms & Proverbs of the World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling. 2022 update. Monochrome text.
Hard cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-007-6)
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World English Bible New Testament+Psalms and Proverbs cover
New Testament + Psalms & Proverbs of the World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling. 2022 update. Monochrome text.
paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-008-3)
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World English Bible New Testament+Psalms and Proverbs coverWorld English Bible New Testament+Psalms and Proverbs cover
New Testament + Psalms & Proverbs of the World English Bible British/International Spelling. 2022 update. Monochrome text.
Hard cover (ISBN 978-1-63656-009-0) or paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-010-6)
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World English Bible LARGE PRINT New Testament
LARGE PRINT New Testament of the World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling. 2022 update. Monochrome text.
Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-017-5)
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Deuterocanon + Apocrypha World English Bible coverDeuterocanon + Apocrypha World English Bible cover
Deuterocanon & Apocrypha: World English Bible U. S. A. Spelling, monochrome text. 2022 update.
Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-63656-004-5), Paperback (ISBN 978-1-63656-005-2), or Kindle
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A Four-column Parallel and Chronological Harmony of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John:
Using the modern World English Bible,
Translated from the Greek Majority Text, and
Ordering historical events in the life of Jesus of Nazareth on basis of the priority of Matthew over Mark
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The World English Bible (WEB) is a Public Domain (no copyright) Modern English translation of the Holy Bible. That means that you may freely copy it in any form, including electronic and print formats. The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version of the Holy Bible first published in 1901, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and a combination of the original ASV source text choices and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. The companion Deuterocanon/Apocrypha is derived from the Revised Version Apocrypha and the Brenton translation of the Septuagint into English. The World English Bible classic is currently completed and the text is stable. No changes will be made except correcting verified typos or significant errors. The World English Bible Updated is still open to well-justified language updates. The original World English Bible in American English updated the ASV "Jehovah" to "Yahweh". The British Edition, Catholic Edition, and World English Bible Updated shifted to using "LORD", or when used with Lord from "Adonai", "GOD" (all caps) for Yahweh, aligning with tradition. Footnotes make it clear where this was done so that no information was lost. For more information, please see the World English Bible Frequently Asked Questions and the legal and status page.

The World English Bible British Edition is the same as the classic World English Bible, except (1) God's Proper Name in the Old Testament is translated "LORD" or "GOD" (all capitals) instead of "Yahweh", and (2) British spelling instead of American spelling is used. We avoid words and phrases that have different meaning in these two dialects, and use punctuation acceptable for both.

The Ecumenical (standard), Protestant, and Catholic editions are all the same except for the selection of which books are included and their order of presentation. The standard Ecumenical edition contains all of the books of the Bible used by a large variety of Christian denominations, arranged in the order of the canonical Old Testament of 39 books, a collection of Deuterocanon/Apocrypha books, then the 27 books of the New Testament. The Protestant editions just omit the middle section, leaving only the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. The Catholic edition presents the books in the traditional Catholic book order, using only the Esther and Daniel with additions translated from the Greek Septuagint, and omits books not recognized as canonical or deuterocanonical by the Roman Catholic Church. It also uses "LORD" or "GOD" in place of "Yahweh", in deference to common Catholic practice in worship services. The Catholic edition is currently only available with U. S. A. spelling.

You are free to quote, publish, print, proclaim, memorize, preach, teach, and share the World English Bible as much as you like. There is no royalty charge or any hassles. If you wish to support the work of the World English Bible translation and distribution, as well as Bible distribution work in many other languages, you may do so by supporting the senior editor, but this is not required.

WEBPWorld English Bible
WEBCWorld English Bible (Catholic)
WEBPBWorld English Bible British Edition
WEBBEWorld English Bible British Edition with Deuterocanon
WEBUWorld English Bible Updated
WEBWorld English Bible with Deuterocanon
WMBWorld Messianic Bible
WMBBWorld Messianic Bible British Edition